Sunday, May 3, 2020

8 Side Effects of Most Drinking Coffee / Caffeine You Must Recognize

8 Side Effects of Most Drinking Coffee / Caffeine
Side Effects of Most Drinking Coffee / Caffeine - If you are used to consuming coffee then you must recognize the symptoms of drinking coffee mostly because it will endanger your health. In this article will be reviewed thoroughly about the symptoms of coffee drinks that often occur. So you can measure caffeine levels in the body, let's recognize some of the body's signals that show you consume a lot of caffeine. Heart Disease Patients by Pixabay Side Effects of Most Drinking Coffee 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Is 'Death Wish Coffee' Really the Strongest Taste of Coffee in the World?

Many types of coffee formulated by people in the world. This is because coffee is increasingly popular. Like this coffee which is claimed to be the strongest coffee in the world. The Center Hotel. After seven years of business, Mike Brown, owner of Saratoga Coffee Traders, promotes the world's strongest coffee. He tested for several weeks and tasted a variety of different coffees, Brown found a way to combine the special roasting process and the correct mixture of coffee beans to make the strongest of coffee tastes.

Here are 6 Benefits of Bitter Coffee that You Don't Know

About the Benefits of Bitter Coffee You Don't Know - For those of you friends who like to drink coffee know what benefits coffee contains? If you don't know, let's discuss a little of the benefits of drinking bitter coffee in the coffee philosophy. Black coffee in the morning Maybe all this time we hear that bitter coffee only makes stomach ulcers and digestive pain, but behind the negative effects there is a positive effect on coffee. For some other people, routine drinking coffee is a bad habit that must be reduced. But the fact is, the benefits of coffee for the body. For many people, the benefits of coffee so far have only been considered as an energy booster when welcoming the day, or when sleepy. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

Luwak Coffee (Indonesian palm civet coffee): process technology and halal status

Civet coffee making process is very unique.
Civet coffee making process is very unique.
Civet coffee is very different than coffee in general. Civet coffee was first discovered in a Dutch coffee plantation about 200 years before Indonesia's independence (Schoenholf, 1999). In terms of price, the price of Luwak coffee is the most expensive compared to other authentic Indonesian coffees such as Aceh Gayo coffee, Javanese coffee, Bali Kintamani coffee, Papua Wamena coffee, etc. Even in world class though, this Indonesian palm civet coffee has the highest selling value of around US $ 150 or Rp 2.08 million per 500 g ( 2016). As the name implies, the processing of this coffee is quite unique and even strange, namely by using mongoose (Javanese language) or weasel. Civet coffee is obtained from coffee beans which are sorted from civet droppings. Until now, there are two types of civet coffee, namely coffee from wild mongoose and Tangkong civet coffee. For taste quality, wild civet coffee is more preferred than petty civet coffee.

Benefits of civet coffee for beauty

Benefits of Civet Coffee for Beauty - In terms of taste of Civet Coffee is delicious and the most expensive coffee in the world compared to other coffee prices, in addition to good taste, Civet Coffee is also Beneficial for Beauty, how is it done? This is what you can do by:

Refreshing facial skin

Make ice cubes from a glass of civet coffee without sugar and rub the pieces of ice on the surface of the face and not the lotion