Saturday, May 2, 2020

Here are 6 Benefits of Bitter Coffee that You Don't Know

About the Benefits of Bitter Coffee You Don't Know - For those of you friends who like to drink coffee know what benefits coffee contains? If you don't know, let's discuss a little of the benefits of drinking bitter coffee in the coffee philosophy. Black coffee in the morning Maybe all this time we hear that bitter coffee only makes stomach ulcers and digestive pain, but behind the negative effects there is a positive effect on coffee. For some other people, routine drinking coffee is a bad habit that must be reduced. But the fact is, the benefits of coffee for the body. For many people, the benefits of coffee so far have only been considered as an energy booster when welcoming the day, or when sleepy. 

However, some people actually become a scourge of coffee so that coffee is a big enemy in the beverage field. But that's only a handful, because the benefits outweigh the risks, so let's discuss the benefits. Benefits of Bitter Coffee Benefits of bitter coffee or better known as sugar without coffee turns out to have a number of nutrients that are good for the body, even claimed to be one of the panacea. 

There are at least six benefits of black coffee according to various studies and information from the Ministry of Agriculture. 

  1. Protect the Heart Coffee drinkers who consume 1-2 cups of black coffee per day have a lower risk of stroke than those who do not drink coffee. This is caused by antioxidants contained in coffee. Coffee has more antioxidants than blueberries. Antioxidants contained in it helps withstand the adverse effects of inflammation in the arteries. Shortly after drinking it, coffee increases blood pressure and heart rate. But after a while, coffee actually lowers blood pressure, because the antioxidants in coffee activate nitric acid in the body so that blood vessels dilate. 
  2. Prevents being dropped Antioxidants of coffee, especially chlorogenic acid and guinides, play a role in increasing the body's cells against insulin which helps regulate blood sugar. In fact, people who drink coffee every day have a lower risk of developing 2 types of diabetes, according to several studies. 
  3. Maintaining good health Coffee can also minimize the risk of cirrhosis and other liver diseases. Analysis of nine studies found that coffee can reduce cancer risk by 43%. This is because of the role of antioxidants and caffeine in it. A cup of Colombian coffee 
  4. Increases brain power Drinking coffee regularly can also help reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's, as does Parkinson's. Antioxidants contained in coffee neutralize damage to brain cells and help nerve tissue to work more optimally so that the brain works better. 
  5. Helps relieve headaches Research shows, 200 milligrams of caffeine can help relieve headaches, including migraines. However, there are no studies that show how caffeine reduces headaches, but researchers believe that caffeine increases brain cell activity which causes the surrounding blood vessels to tighten. 
  6. Increase male fertility Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee in the Morning makes Sperm and Lively roar, Research Results For coffee addicts, a cup of coffee in the morning can boost your passion and passion for activity. For this discussion, you more fully head to the strong coffee page. Not only that, research conducted by the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, found that drinking bitter coffee in the morning is also beneficial for male fertility.

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