Friday, May 1, 2020

Benefits of civet coffee for beauty

Benefits of Civet Coffee for Beauty - In terms of taste of Civet Coffee is delicious and the most expensive coffee in the world compared to other coffee prices, in addition to good taste, Civet Coffee is also Beneficial for Beauty, how is it done? This is what you can do by:

Refreshing facial skin

Make ice cubes from a glass of civet coffee without sugar and rub the pieces of ice on the surface of the face and not the lotion


Tighten the skin

The use of lotion from civet coffee, by wiping the surface using a cotton bud that has been moistened with coffee solution brewed without sugar. Coffee beans that have been dried are then thrown away, and the way to separate the beans from the husk is done using a pulverized machine. 

To get clean, whole seeds, do the sorting process After being sorted, the seeds are dried in the sun for the second time until the remaining water content reaches less than 16%. Next, wash thoroughly. After being washed, the coffee beans are dried in the sun for the third time until the water content is around 10% - 11%. The next step is roasting or frying the seeds by putting them in the oven
Luwak coffee beans that have been fried are then spiked with powder to be put into a grinding machine. 

Coffee beans that have become powder are cooled further, before being put into packaging using sterile packaging, so that the civet coffee powder can remain fresh for up to one year.
With the long process of making Civet coffee, the result is perfect as a drink that has a special aroma and taste, while at the same time benefiting health and beauty. 

Preventing Wrinkles on the skin

Make a mask from civet coffee mixture with a spoon of flour and egg yolks, stir until thick. Attach the mask to the surface of the skin and leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing it. Perform routine twice a week for maximum result.

Remove cellulite coffee powder

Smeared on the affected part of the body, wrap it in plastic parts and stay still for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. 

Blacken hair

Set 1 tablespoon of civet coffee powder mixed with vegetable oil, 2 egg yolks and 1 tablespoon of rum, plus 2 tablespoons of warm water and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the hair, leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Thus the benefits of Civet coffee are also for beauty, if there are additional, please comment below thank you...

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